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Minato Fencing Association
December 28-29th, 2024
Minato Sports Center, Arena.
U-8 Individual ( Girls and Boys Mixed )
U-8 Fencers aged 6 to 8 on December 1, 2024
U-10 Individual ( Girls / Boys )
U-10 Fencers aged 6 to 10 on December 1, 2024
U-12 Individual ( Girls / Boys )
U-12 Fencers aged 12 and under on December 1, 2024
U-15 Individual ( Girls / Boys )
U-15 Fencers aged 15 and under on December 1, 2024
Senior Individual ( Women / Men )
Senior Fencers aged 12 and above on December 1, 2024
Veteran Individual ( Women / Men )
Over 40
Veteran Fencers aged 40 and above on December 1, 2024
Over 50
Veteran Fencers aged 50 and above on December 1, 2024
Over 60
Veteran Fencers aged 60 and above on December 1, 2024
Beginner Individual ( Women and Men Mixed )
Fencers aged 15 and above on December 1, 2024
Only Fencers limited to 12 months of experience may participate in the Beginner Category.
U-12 Individual ( Girls and Boys Mixed )
U-12 Fencers aged 12 and under on December 1, 2024
U-15 Individual ( Girls / Boys )
U-15 Fencers aged 15 and under on December 1, 2024
Senior Individual ( Women / Men )
Senior Fencers aged 12 and above on December 1, 2024
*Fencers younger than age 6 on December 1, 2024 are not eligible to participate in the tournament.
*A Fencer may participate in a total of two categories. However, a fencer can only participate in up to one category per day.
*Veteran categories may change classification by age depending on the number of participants.
December 28th ( Sat )
U-10 Girls Individual
U-10 Boys Individual
U-15 Girls Individual
U-15 Boys Individual
Veteran Over 40・50・60 Women's Individual
Veteran Over 40・50・60 Men's Individual
U-12 Girls and Boys Mixed Individual
Senior Women's Individual
Senior Men's Individual
December 29th ( Sun )
U-8 Girls and Boys Mixed Individual
U-12 Girls Individual
U-12 Boys Individual
Senior Women's Individual
Senior Men's Individual
Beginner Individual ( Women's and Men's Mixed )
U-15 Girls Individual
U-15 Boys Individual
Check in Time / Start Venue
December 28th ( Sat ) Open : 8:30am
December 28th ( Sun ) Open : 8:30am

Please register using the entry form below.
No cancellations will be accepted after application and no refunds will be given. *Application period : December 13, 2024.
Please check this link to confirm your registration.
5,000yen (per 1 category)
*A Fencer may participate in a total of two categories. However, a fencer can only participate in up to one category per day.
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One qualifying round of pools, then direct elimination.
All equipment will be checked on the piste by the referee of the match. When the referee find any violation of the rules, the fencer may receive penalty(s) based on the technical rules.
Metal bib is required for all foil categories. U-12 and below categories may use the the 350N mask. U-15 and above categories must use the 1600N mask with newer double-folded headbands.
We require 800N for underarm protector, but jacket and pants can be 350N (do not need to be FIE approved level, except for underarm protector).
Plastic chest protector and soft cover are both required for U-15 and above girls and women's category. It is not required but recommended for U8, U10 and U12 categories.
As for the mask, the only requirement is for the Leon Paul mask. We require the second strap for the Leon Paul mask that does not have metal support on the back.
There should be no tear in mask, jacket, pants, glove, and we require long socks that cover knees.
There is no regulation for foil/epee length based on category.
Minato Sports Center, Arena. 105-0023, 1-16-1 Shibaura, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
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The Organizer shall not be held liable in any way for injury or accident during the tournament therefore you shall especially pay attention to safety control. You shall be careful not to hit face or body of the other by your equipment such as sword while you move.
Venue Movement
Please be mindful of others using the venue. When moving around inside the facility, take care to avoid accidents or injuries caused by contact with swords or other equipment.
Warm-up and Lessons
It is strictly prohibited to practice, warm-up, stretch, or conduct lessons outside the designated times and areas. If such activities are discovered outside the specified times or locations, the association reserves the right to revoke your eligibility to participate in the event.
Food and Drink
Bringing food into the competition venue is prohibited.
Since congestion is expected, we encourage you to use public transportation as much as possible. If you do use the parking lot, please adhere to parking etiquette and be considerate of others. The organizer will not be held responsible for any accidents or incidents that occur in the parking area.
Managing Your Belongings and Valuables
We are not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage, so please manage your valuables and belongings carefully. Do not leave your belongings inside the competition venue. In case of lost items, announcements will be made on the website or Facebook. If the owner does not come forward within one year, the items will be disposed of.
Please take all your trash home with you.
Facilities and Equipment
If any facilities, equipment, or supplies are damaged or lost, compensation equivalent to the actual cost will be required.
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The Minato City Fencing Association will handle personal information and portrait rights obtained through participation applications, etc., as follows:
Purpose of Use
Personal information registered for competition participation will only be used for the management of the competition and will not be used for any other purposes.
Scope and Methods of Disclosure
Among personal information, details such as the team name, individual name, gender, age, and other information necessary for identifying the individual and their affiliation may be disclosed through the following methods:
Inclusion in competition programs
Introduction via announcements within the competition venue
Posting on displays inside or outside the competition venue
Posting on the competition-related website
Competition Results (Records)
Competition results (records), along with the aforementioned personal information, may be disclosed using the following methods:
Posting on the competition-related website
Inclusion in the competition reports created by the Minato City Fencing Association
Inclusion in the program for future competitions
Handling of Portrait Rights
Photographs and videos taken by the Minato City Fencing Association or by authorized organizations may be published in printed materials, competition reports, websites, or other media.
By completing the competition participation application, participants are deemed to have agreed to the above handling of their personal information and portrait rights.

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